
Pardon the Interims

I think the Deuce will be able to comment more eloquently on this than I can, but does anyone disagree that ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" is almost unbearable when Wilbon and Kornheiser aren't on? Bob Ryan, Dan Le Batard and those other hacks reduce this brilliant show to nothing more than just another stupid sports-talk show.

It just goes to show how exceptional Mike and Tony are.


somebodytogobackintimewith said...

I completely agree.

I listened regularly to Kornheiser's Washington-based radio show before he went on hiatus to prep for MNF. His radio segments with Lebetard are fabulous, and Ryan always is good too.

So it's probably got a little to do with the medium and a little to do with Kornheiser and Wilbon's extradinary rapport.

Deuce said...

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