Feeling the heat? (link)
We learned 2 things watching the White Sox last year, class: 1) Pitching wins championships and 2) no matter how easy the wins come in May and June it always gets real hot in August. Is Ken Williams feeling it?*
*Of course he's not feeling it. He's thought about the ins, outs and what-have-yous waaaay beyond my poor ability to add or detract.** But hell it's the Monday before the trading deadline; what am I going to do besides surf the net at work, pretending not to be buzzed from lunch and think about baseball?
**Do you think anybody ever has dropped Big Lebowski and Gettysburg address references into the same sentence? I'm so awesome.
One Play, One Run, One Game: One Series
Rubber Game, Anyone?

With the Tigers getting tamed 7-1 in game one of this three-game set, there was a lot riding on Detroit to just make a good showing in game two or risk looking like a bunch of puddy-tats.
It was looking pretty bad until Pudge-Rod got chippy with Vasquez, smoked a hot single to left, cursed the pitcher under his breath and obviously got to the White Sox hurler.
Three batters later on a 2-2 count, Craig Monroe hit the first truly important baseball hit in Detroit since maybe 1990, maybe even 1987, crushing a grand sizzle over the left field wall, the bullpen and the old left field wall...about 365-370 or so. This one hit broke the seeming mental block the Tigs had put up with men in scoring position this season against good teams. In fact, it shattered it -- there was nothing subtle about the celebration they put on trotting the bases, screaming and fist pumping on the way to the dugout and curtain calling for the standing crowd. Monroe even got to bump chests with AJP at the plate when he decided the Tigs were celebrating too much. Up yours, Catch.
The Tigs then snuck out with a 5-2 win and got, what appeared to be, a rather large monkey off their backs. Judging from the number of Tiger fans who called after the game, this one really, truly tripped a deep nerve or two within us Motowners. No matter what happens this season, these guys are big leaguers and can play with anyone. It's been a very long time since anyone wearing the Old English 'D' could claim that. Stroh's is spoken here.
Leyland: Plain Talk Express
Here They Come: Sox v. Tigers in Detroit

How about it? Tigs up on the Sox by 4.5 after a sweep of the Southsiders by the Yanks and a near sweep of the Royals by the GumTimers. (Note: The Detroit baseball team will be on ESPN three times in the next week. Booyah.)
Chances are one team or another will simply pick up one game on the other after this series -- BUT -- if a sweep occurs, this will be the series everyone looks back to. Tigs would be up by 7.5 if they sweep with a head of steam, Sox would be down by only 1.5 if they sweep only piling on to the thus-far domination of the Tigs.
Who is the better team? That's the ultimate question. Fortunately for whoever isn't, that really doesn't matter until October.
In other news, the Yanks and the Sox are setting up for another brilliant divisional chase, the NL West is setting up to be as bad as it was last year and the NY Ben Callets are good.
Time for an Intervention?
Kenny Rogers
Brad Penny
I, of course, deleted this post. It's painful to see a close pal descend into the hell of drug abuse and become so detached from reality that his delusions take over his life. Hud's post was a cry for help, friends. Who among you will heed the call?
Pardon the Interims
It just goes to show how exceptional Mike and Tony are.
Gum Time!
As I just e-mailed some of the dudes, Gum Time is cooler than the Rally Monkey. The only thing funnier than a bunch of pale Midwesterners chomping on jawfuls of gum is a stadium full of Orange Countians going nuts for a video clip of a monkey.