From now on when Barry is being talked about, Bud shouldn't be to too far behind. They are in this together, forever. Bud looked away at what players in his league were taking and Barry unknowingly took. Bud and Barry. Barry and Bud. Bad altogether baseball.
Bud could've nipped all this bairoid talk in the bud before it started. When his people came to him and said, "Bud, we have a problem here..." -- the used car dealer looked at baseball's balance sheet. Times were good. Fans flooded the gates. No need to look at 10 years down the road .... until it is 10 years down the road as it is now.
Barry is a whole different story. We will never really know if he knowingly took steroids unless he tells us. He was a Hall Of Famer already, so that part of his legacy is intact. Best thing he can do is hit 800 dingers and say f'you to everybody as he has for the last 20 years.
I put most of this on Allan Selig. And when the day comes as Barry is rounding the bases after he hit his 756th, Bud better be at home plate extending his hand and looking Barry in the eye and offering his congratulations. Anything less would be cowardly intentions. Bud better not let Barry stand alone. They are in this together and should stand together and face up.