
Mind Your Ps and Qs

I have little patience for the haste with which major league sports teams sell their stadia naming rights, but I must say that the developments on the corner of Ontario St. and Carnegie Ave. in Cleveland move me in the way only delicious puns can.

The Cleveland Cavaliers -- who, by the way, are the employer of a man named LeBron James; anyone heard of him? No? Ok. -- play basketball at Quicken Loans Arena. It's known as the "Q". In fact, the team sent out a press release to major media outlets encouraging -- nay, demanding -- that fans, media types and mothers-in-law-who-care-nothing-for-basketball call it the "Q". (I guess it's better than the previous name, which sounded too much like a social disease for my liking -- Gund Arena [say it really fast to yourself. yeah, that's right].)

Now, the heretofore-named Jacobs Field is now dubbed "Progressive Field." It is painfully apparent that the Tribe's new home will adopt the nickname "The Prog." No one would dare call it "The Pee." Maybe the "Tee Pee" -- but that comes with its own social-consciousness problems (Damn protestors.).

I, however, would love all of Tribe nation to adopt "The Pee" as the name of record. It would produce one of the great juxapositions of sports stadia history (take that, Circus Maximus!), and maybe, just maybe, bring a little karma to our championship-starved burg.


The Narrator said...

How long until The PD works "Progressively worse" into a headline during a Tribe losing streak?

Dr. Hot Crap said...

The over-under on that is slightly lower than the over-under on Daniel Cabrera's weight.

Anonymous said...

It's better than Valu-City Arena. First, it's a stupid name. Second, this translates into the "VC" under this new rule.

The man in the black pajamas.

somebodytogobackintimewith said...

Maybe you can use some of those naming rights funds to buy a proper closer.