Now that Korea snuck past the Japanese in Wednesday evening action (available live on XM!) I'm changing my tune and cheering for Old Glory in tonight's game against Mexico.
Considering we've got Roger on the mound, chances are the final four will be:
- Cuba
- US
- Dominica
- Korea
Love it. This guarantees a US/Dominica v. Cuba game. Let's hope for both. Or I could just check the schedule. But I don't wanna. Cuz I'm in Mr. Mond's pool and I ain't got time...
I watched the Korea-Japan game not-so-live on TiVo. Even after knowing the final score, it was a total classic. A couple defensive plays go differently and Japan wins. DEFENSE, DEFENSE, DEFENSE.
This is unbelievable baseball.
Unbelievable indeed.
Another important benefit to the US being in the finals is that more people will be apt to watch this tourney and thus the tourney will be more apt to be bigger and better next time around. Let's all go to PR for 2010!
I'm looking forward to 2018 when Cuba is full of resort-casinos again and the finals are played at the 42,000 seat Papa John's Stadium.
Oh, I'd also like to go to Japan to see the Nat'l team play at the Fuk-U Dome.
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