Ben (your boy, Deuce) once famously trashed my inner-most, private dream by telling me that it didn't matter I quit baseball in seventh grade after getting pasted in the face by a heater because I was "too shrimpy".
But check these out:
(Hud is 5' 10.5" and 170 lbs at the moment.)
I also thought this quote was fun:
"Look at Gossage. He's six feet four and most of it is fat. He pitches maybe an inning a week. And for that, they pay him a million dollars a year. And you know what? He's worth it." - Teammate Rudy May in The Cultural Encyclopedia of Baseball (1997, Jonathan Fraser Light)
Gossage sounds a lot like Scott, except the million dollar part
Your story probably just hit too close to home, causing my caustic response. Magic Johnson arrived in LA when I was 9 and I immediately dropped my first love, baseball, for basketball. I went from a promising little league shortstop to an under-sized point guard who spent the next decade with a basketball in his hand to little avail. Why? Because I was SHRIMPY! If I'd stuck with baseball, I'd have been a low-minors utility infielder left with no job and no education after my first retinal detachment. I'd probably be coaching in Italy today.
but you'd be the happiest baseball coach in naples.
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