And just like that...a team, a hero and some freakin' history are made. Do yourself a favor and check out the video highlights of the Sept. 18 Padres v. Dodgers game on MLB.com.
Commonwealth Avenue was blowin' up. The lights of the stadium are still lit at this hour, visible from the balcony of this very room.
See, nothing's ever as bad as it seems, schizo.
Having said that, one more loss in this series and I will have to switch my electoral votes to Detroit. My candidate just uttered the proverbial 'yee-haw' this weekend.
Also, my comment about people in LA not caring was decidedly idiotic...this was the biggest attendance in a four-game series in Dodger history...and Monday's attendance was the highest Monday game ever.
Still, it's not the "hot topic" that it was in 2004 for some reason. Too many wildfires, I guess.
Two things:
1. Possibly the most remarkable game I've seen in my three decades of followinig the Dodgers, certainly the most bizarre. Amazing night.
2. I have a lot of complex thoughts about LA fans, how much they "care" and how that manifests itself in a huge, diverse city full of various "entertainment" options, but those thoughts won't all fit in a little box.
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