LOS ANGELES -- At some point during his time as a Dodger, Jeff Weaver smiled.
It wasn't on the field, of course, where he exuded a pure, focused sense of self-loathing or hatred for "this sh*t" as he no doubt has said thousands of times in his life. This smile was instead captured during a visit to Children's Hospital -- just south of a particularly famous Los Feliz home.
He didn't even smile when contacted via shout from an old party buddy when pitching for the Dodgers in San Diego. The dumpy looking fellow who contacted him through the fence near the sandbox and Weaver shared mutual smirks of understood camaraderie -- the kind that comes from sharing bushels of illicit drugs while skipping class.
"Is he smiling now?" asked Mike Hudson, a fan from Weaver's early stint with the Detroit Tigers. "He's the hottest pitcher in the National League. But I bet he's still just staring off into space more often than not in his hotel, picking out patterns in the carpet."
1 comment:
At some point in the early '00s, I declared that Jeff Weaver had the worst body language of any professional athlete I'd ever seen, and that still holds up. He used to look like a kicked dog shuffling around the mound at Yankee Stadium.
The kid brother has some spunk, though.
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