Before Game 1 Tigs v. Yanks gets going...
Before we get all caught up in who will win this or that or the whole thing...
Before we dissect the performances...
Before we judge even one pitch...
I'd like to say, "Thank You" to the Detroit Tigers organization for fielding a wonderful team this year after 13 years of losing and only 3 years after the 119-loss debacle that I sat through 25+ games of with Devil Ray.
Seeing the Tigers lineup on GameDay and announced by Bob Sheppard in the House Ruth Built in a playoff game against the Mighty Yanks in October is really all I could have asked for. While we might have choked a bit toward the end of the 162-game stretch, we much closer to the top of the game than we are from the bottom of it...and that's where the proud Detroit Tigers of Cobb, Greenberg, Kaline, Lolitch, Trammell, Gibson and Anderson would want it. Soon we'll be putting a name like Verlander, Granderson, Miller (or hopefully Robertson!) up there with them.
Well put, Hud. If you judge this season in the context of the past 20 years, it's a miracle.
Here's to extending it just a bit longer.
My vote for best Tiger ever goes to second from left, front row.
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