In lieu of Ernie Harwell reading his wonderful recitation of Song of Solomon (For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle(dove) is heard in our land.) to open the season, I thought I'd express my feelings with some pictures and some haiku. 5-7-5.
My Wife Has a Statement
Inject Her With It
You Can Keep Your Hall of Fame

Here's Another Hit
Magg-lo and Miguel
Thinking About 1,000
At Comerica

Flavor Country
Ready for the plane
Lets an easy one get away
That won't happen here
Parking Lot
Complaints Are Many
Jeff Kent Is Older than dirt
It's Dodger Baseball!

Honesty Don't Cover
A huge payroll for Stein
Better Call B. Mac

Sushi plus HGH
90 miles per hour
65 miles per hour next
Game Over for good

Opening Day
Best Super Bowl, Yes
Best NBA Season, Yes
Will Trade for Tickets

No haiku needed
It's easy enough to say
Extra Innings, please

No offense to you
Chant Torre, Torre, Torre
Joe will win like Jim

One More
Thanks Bradley Lidge
For Pujols moonrocket shot
Now, get your shinebox
You're stealing my act, but somehow, reading these, I don't feel particularly threatened.
i'll take your insult as a sign of respect.
that dodger baseball one is seriously pretty good, i think.
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