A Rough Day for Zito: 8 Runs on 7 Hits
Thanks to CSTV (Chicago Sports net), cw11/SNY (Mets net) and TiVo, Huddy was able to enjoy a Cubs/Angels and Mets/Dodgers doubleheader, care for a sick child, finish my 2007 taxes -- Federal and Cali, mind you -- all in one tremendous afternoon.
This season, I hope to do a little report on any and all baseball-related viewing...in person, on TV, via radio or Web. Presentation will always be clever and compelling, but may vary in format. For today, I'll go with the Top 5 of the day.
1. Ryan Church (loss of memory)/Marlon Anderson (bruised sternum) collison on an Andruw Jones pop-up to right
2. Met's rookie-hopeful Jonathan Niese pitches 2 scoreless innings, 3Ks
3. Cubs catcher Geovany Soto picks off speedy Angel Chone Figgins attempting a steal
4. Deep disappointment in Fukudome's not playing today
5. Cubs fans slurring in the fields of Arizona, instead of Chicago (related video below)
Honorable Mention: Olmado Saenz sighting in Mets' dugout!
Cubbie fans seem to be in midseason form already.
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