

This real time rundown from baseballmusings.com is like watching a car wreck - horrifying, but you can't look away:

Liriano Returns
Francisco Liriano shows no sign of injury in the first inning, retiring the Athletics in order on nine pitches, striking out one.
Update: Two innings, 22 pitches, 17 strikesouts, six up and six down for Liriano. Haren also retired the side in order in the first. He threw 17 pitches, 12 for strikes.
Update: Liriano injures himself on a pitch to Bobby Kielty. According to the radio broadcast, it looks like his arm. He bounced a pitch, and the announcers thought he caught a spike. He's out of the game. A big blow for the Twins.
Update: Liriano threw the pitch, fell off the mound, then came up with his arm hanging. With luck my Tivo caught it and I'll watch it when I get home.
Update: The radio reports that Liriano is suffering from left elbow pain.
Update: I just watched it via Tivo. He didn't fall off the mound. When he completed the delivery, it's obvious that he hurt his arm as he jerks it up like he felt pain. That left the end of his motion unbalanced, but he didn't fall. It was immediately obvious to Redmond and Castillo that he was hurt, as they made their way out to the mound to check him. What was clear is that whatever happened to his arm, it hurt enough to throw off his delivery and send him out of balance.

I'm not a Twins fan of course. But this is very scary, and very sad.

Not to mention extremely irresponsible.

I understand the division is there for the taking, but what the Twins are doing to this kid is downright criminal. Hopefully this will prove to be some sort of psychological blow to the Minnies, though I doubt it.

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