
Trend watch: Reds booth crammed with asses

This time it's Jeff Brantley's turn to play straight man while Marty Brenneman aurally implodes.

This video is too meta for me to comment. Except to wonder how a cranky butthead like this gets into the Hall of Fame (my feelings re: The Cub fans go without saying):


Dr. Hot Crap said...

good times here. i love the holier-than-thou attitude some announcers take.

Anonymous said...

First off, the point is well taken. When will announcing teams be judged against the true greats? Nobody cares about your personal feelings on the Cubs or anyone else. Or how you think that call at second went down. Or how the batter's mechanics SHOULD go. Or what pitch SHOULD be thrown. Suggest, illustrate and get out of the way of the game.

Second, the Cubs treatment of Bartman and Steve Stone turned me against them, perhaps for life. I "like" more Cubs players than Dodgers, honestly. But I can't cheer for that lot.

Third, in summary, even if I held these feelings, I wouldn't express them on the air if I were tasked with calling games for an MLB team against the Cubs. Though I might talk about how much I enjoyed Steve Stone (that's how Vin would do it.)